Pap smears is a very effective screening test for cervical precancerous. However, hundreds of small windows have to be looked under microscope by a trained cytologist for a single slide from each patient. It makes this process very tedious and erroneous. The proposed system is designed to give a discrimination ability of the adopted features to do successful classification for the extracted ROI (i.e., nucleus of the cells). Two kinds of features have been used for discrimination purpose; the first kind is a set of geometrical features because many of the extracted Pap smear ROI are categorized according to their shapes (i.e., circular, oval, irregular, small, big). While the second kind of features is a set of texture features (local and global color features) because one of the main differences between cancerous cells and other types is the local changes in the brightness.
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Author Name: Loay E. George, Yusra A. Sroor, Haider G. Hussein
Keywords: IJSER,2229-5518,22295518,Loay E. George, Yusra A. Sroor, Haider G. Hussein
ISSN: 22295518
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